Datasheet article S50390069A20N2102050
Description : Cylindrical bottle for detergent with handle
Material : M90 • MAT. HDPE SABIC B.5421
Dye : White
Packing : A20
•  600 pieces per carton / 1200 pieces per pallet
• Pieces arranged on the cap carton
• 1 Cap carton
• 4 Layers
• 1 Intermediate pallet 100 X 120
• 1 Cap carton
• 4 Layers
• 1 pallet 100 X 120
X : 120 cm - Y 97 cm

Spécifications : N2 Without level line, with tactile sigle
Neck : G102 High bottle neck 28/410

Weight : 50.000 gr
 - Couleur :
Nat. black
 - Emballage :
   • A50
 - Goulot :